of nothingness

The colors and the raw material.

The origin of the earth as the main material of the work is found in nature itself. The added value of these sand canvases is the colouring of the earth.

The creation of her palette is perfectly designed using a series of colours and shades as the main base, in turn deriving according to the mixtures into a work that makes it unique and special.

The making of colored earths.

The resulting colours emerge after a careful and studied technique of dyeing according to need. Once the appropriate earth has been chosen for its grain, weight and composition, the artist dyes the material until achieving the desired shade, where, by mixing them together, they derive into other shades.

This is how the colour palette for creating sand canvases is obtained. But it has been years of research that have led to the best kept secret of achieving verticality without losing a grain of material.

Portraits and more.

The choice of portraits allows us to visualize the realism that his works achieve. Creating an expression or a look is one of the goals that the artist sets for himself in each of them..

  • From photography

  • to the sand.

  • Familiar faces


Don't miss out.


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